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Growing Unicorns with DRTV

Building housewares brands with brand response TV

Housewares and brand response television have a long and robust shared history. Over 30 years ago, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) deregulated television air time allowing different time formats of commercial air time to be purchased. This paved the way for the live shopping channels as we know them today, showcasing many housewares products.

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Eight Agency Pros Predict Upcoming Uses Of Virtual Reality In Marketing

When virtual reality (VR) technology first came on the scene, it was expensive and usually limited to niche uses like gaming. Since then, VR has exploded on the scene across multiple industries and has multiple applications. Are marketing and advertising next? According to experts in the industry—yes! Below, eight members of Forbes Agency Council share

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Website Management

14 Agency Pros Share Their Best Practices For Website Management

Your company’s website is the ultimate marketing tool. It’s often the first point of contact for a potential customer, and it can significantly affect how they view your brand. An outdated or inaccurate site can quickly turn off users, while an engaging and informative one can increase consumer trust and interest—and help you make the sale.

14 Agency Pros Share Their Best Practices For Website Management Read More »

Anant Deboor

Private Equity firms and Branding: 7 reasons why it makes for better ROI

Something that we often hear of as brand and marketing consultants. On the other hand, research from a 2014 survey by financial services firm, BackBay Communications, among 290 PE partners, agents, lawyers and i-bankers, 98% said it was important. Where’s the truth in this post-truth world? Or perhaps more accurately, which is the more justifiable opinion?

Private Equity firms and Branding: 7 reasons why it makes for better ROI Read More »

Growing Unicorns with DRTV

Growing ‘unicorns’ with brand response TV advertising

Advertising during the Super Bowl is designed to make a statement. Brands use those premium slots as an opportunity to make people laugh or cry, to take a political stance, but most of all, to make a lasting impression. At $5 million for a 30-second spot, Super Bowl ads aren’t cheap, and just as notable as the content can be which brands decide to shell out for ads at astronomical prices.

Growing ‘unicorns’ with brand response TV advertising Read More »

Jessica Hawthorne-Castro

How Agencies Can Help Prepare The Next Generation Of Data-Driven Marketers

By Jessica Hawthorne-Castro  Original Publication: AdExchanger Date of Publication: September 20, 2018 “Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Jessica Hawthorne-Castro, CEO at Hawthorne. The rise of data science has had a major impact on just about every

How Agencies Can Help Prepare The Next Generation Of Data-Driven Marketers Read More »

Increase Customer Engagement With Data-Driven Marketing

By Jessica Hawthorne-Castro (YPO Los Angeles) Original Publication: YPO.Org How companies are leveraging data to develop complete, multi-channel pictures of exactly what their customers think and want — and then fulfilling those needs. There isn’t a corner of the advertising world that hasn’t been touched by data-driven marketing, or the use of data to make

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Jessica Hawthorne-Castro

The Use Of Neuroscience In Marketing: Mixing Creativity And Science To Boost Campaign Impact

Author: Jessica Hawthorne-Castro, CEO Original Publication: DemandGenReport Date Published: September 22, 2017 Editor’s Note: This Demanding View is the second of a two-part series of articles from Hawthorne Direct. Part 1 can be viewed here. Marketers and advertisers have forever been in the business of figuring out what people want, and more importantly, figuring out how to turn the

The Use Of Neuroscience In Marketing: Mixing Creativity And Science To Boost Campaign Impact Read More »