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Jessica Hawthorne-Castro

Game Changers Awards 2019

Jessica Hawthorne-Castro Named Winner Of Finance Monthly’s 2019 Game Changer Award

For the third year in a row, the Finance Monthly Game Changers Awards celebrate the success, innovation and strategic vision of some of the world’s most driven professionals across a wide variety of sectors and industries. All of the 2019 Game Changers Awards winners are recognized professionals, whose exceptional business practices, enthusiasm and commitment are worth celebrating.

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How and Why Advertising Dollars

How – And Where – To Maximize Your Advertising Dollars in 2019

Advertising usually takes up a large percentage of companies’ budgets each year. To stay relevant, businesses cannot solely rely on what they’ve done in the past; they must also utilize up-and-coming platforms and strategies or risk getting lost in the shuffle. This new year is sure to be no exception, with new advertising tools and platforms trending throughout the year.

How – And Where – To Maximize Your Advertising Dollars in 2019 Read More »

In House Transparency

In-House Transparency: 13 Pros And Cons Of Full Disclosure

We’re all aware of the importance of transparency in marketing, especially when targeting younger demographics. People want to align not only with your company’s brand, but also your ethos and mission. Lately, the conversation about transparency has turned inward, with some agencies giving their team members full disclosure of the company’s financial well-being, such as revenue, profit and loss, and so on.

In-House Transparency: 13 Pros And Cons Of Full Disclosure Read More »

Forbes Agency Council

13 Things To Consider When Investing In A Digital Media Platform

Original Publication: Forbes Date Published: January 4, 2019 Bloomberg recently reported that Snapchat is experiencing a steady decline in daily users, and its situation isn’t expected to improve any time soon. While Snapchat is certainly far from “dead” – there are still 186 million active daily users, according to Statista — many brands may opt to

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Forbes 10 Tips In House

10 Things To Consider Before Bringing Your Agency Work In-House

Original Publication: Forbes Date Published: December 19, 2018 As companies grow and gain more confidence in their capabilities, some consider bringing their agency work in-house. Some leaders may be looking for cost savings, while others may believe that no outside agency can truly understand their company as they do themselves. While switching from outsourced to on-staff

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Forbes Agency Podcasts

Eight Tips For Creating More Engaging Podcast Ads

Original Publication: Forbes Date Published: December 13, 2018 Podcasts are rapidly growing, with businesses across several industries leveraging the format. According to research, consumers are more receptive to ads on podcasts than on any other medium. As the likelihood of ad spend on podcasts continues to rise, more brands will be looking to differentiate themselves through

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BIA: Engagement, ROI Key For Advertisers. From InsideRadio

Author: Paul Heine, Managing Editor of InsideRadio Original Publication: InsideRadio Date Published: December 3, 2018 A BIA survey of 1,500 local advertisers found customer-engagement benchmarks and expected ROI are the biggest determining factors in where they invest their marketing dollars. Among radio advertisers, expected ROI came in first (40%), followed by customer-engagement benchmarks (39%), business conditions

BIA: Engagement, ROI Key For Advertisers. From InsideRadio Read More »