Industry Insights
Ideas to Inspire
- Forbes
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
Ready to take your campaigns to the next level? In Forbes Agency Council latest article, Jessica Hawthorne-Castro shares her strategy on how to prepare for the future of performance marketing.
- The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Podcast
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
Ready for some inspiring insights? Check out the latest episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur Podcast where Hawthorne Advertising’s CEO Jessica Hawthorne-Castro speaks with Josh Elledge on the state of the advertising industry, 2025 advertising predictions and more.
- Forbes
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
Partner marketing campaigns can be game-changers for businesses, but navigating misconceptions is key to unlocking their full potential. In Forbes Agency Council latest article, Jessica Hawthorne-Castro unpacks a common myth and truth about partner marketing, offering valuable insights to help you build stronger, more effective collaborations.
- Forbes
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
Whether you're crafting personalized messaging or adopting innovative channels, understanding generational differences is essential for driving impact in the ever-evolving healthcare space. In Forbes Agency Council latest article, Jessica Hawthorne-Castro shares her tips to create campaigns that truly connect with targeted audiences.
- Forbes
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
Taking the leap into entrepreneurship is exciting but comes with its challenges. In Forbes Agency Council latest article, Hawthorne Advertising’s CEO Jessica Hawthorne-Castro provides advice on navigating the journey of starting your own agency.
- The Business Journals
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
In the fast-paced world of business, it’s easy to overlook the power of a well-placed compliment. In Business Journals Leadership Trust latest article, Jessica Hawthorne-Castro shares her strategy for delivering impactful praise that motivates teams, strengthens relationships and fosters a culture of growth.
- Forbes
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
As we approach 2025, staying ahead of the curve in the marketing industry is essential. Jessica Hawthorne-Castro has highlighted five key trends poised to reshape the landscape next year, from evolving AI capabilities to shifting consumer priorities in her latest article for Forbes Agency Council.
- The Business Journals
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
Every business faces tough times, but resilience and strategic thinking can make all the difference. In Business Journals Leadership Trust latest article, Jessica Hawthorne-Castro provides advice on how to weather extended rough patches, offering actionable steps to stay adaptable, motivated and forward-focused.
- The Business Journals
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
Leadership is about more than achieving goals—it's about valuing the people who help you get there. Jessica Hawthorne-Castro shares her way of showing her appreciation for her team in Business Journals Leadership Trust latest article. From personalized recognition to meaningful incentives, these strategies can help you build stronger connections, boost morale and create a more engaged workplace culture.
- Forbes
- Jessica Hawthorne-Castro
Public relations is about more than strategy—it’s about mastering the art of connection, creativity and adaptability. In Forbes Agency Council latest article, Jessica Hawthorne-Castro highlights a soft skill that every PR professional should hone to thrive in today’s dynamic landscape. From fostering emotional intelligence to staying resilient under pressure, these insights will help you stand out in a competitive industry.
Hawthorne has been a leader and pioneer in Brand Response Advertising and Direct Response Marketing for 35 years.
Our rich history of measuring audience response and applying data-driven attribution and analytics to optimize campaigns provides us with an unparalleled depth and breadth of experience. Some of that experience is shared below in this Resources section.
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