13 key features of an effective loyalty program in the digital age
Question: What’s one of the 13 key features of an effective loyalty program in the digital age?
13 key features of an effective loyalty program in the digital age Read More »
Question: What’s one of the 13 key features of an effective loyalty program in the digital age?
13 key features of an effective loyalty program in the digital age Read More »
Question: What’s one of the 16 creative ways to leverage unique visuals in campaigns and online?
16 creative ways to leverage unique visuals in campaigns and online Read More »
How can you balance brand and performance to achieve full-funnel efficacy? Our SVP of Marketing & Client Development, Christian Jones, a recent guest on the podcast “Performance Delivered”, shares some pro tips on how brands can effectively navigate the brand/performance spectrum, along with some thoughts on personalization at scale with AI and how virtual goods can deliver IRL value for brands.
The crossover between brand and performance Read More »
Question: What’s one of the 19 effective strategies to test and choose the right product name?
19 effective strategies to test and choose the right product name Read More »
Question: What’s one of the 14 innovative social commerce ideas to boost reach, exposure and sales?
14 innovative social commerce ideas to boost reach, exposure and sales Read More »
Question: What’s one of the 14 tips to help businesses address missteps and mishaps?
14 tips to help businesses address missteps and mishaps Read More »
Question: What’s one of the 12 leaders’ tips for dealing with a customer who’s unhappy, but in the wrong?
12 leaders’ tips for dealing with a customer who’s unhappy, but in the wrong Read More »
As digital marketers continue to look for ways to maximize ROI, programmatic buying – and its expanding ecosystem – remains a frontrunner in driving value.
Programmatic’s expanding universe = your opportunity Read More »
How to build and execute a marketing plan that addresses the consumer adoption curve – effectively taking a product from the early introduction phase through to mass market adoption, aka, “Crossing the Chasm”.
Taking the Leap – Crossing the (Marketing) Chasm Read More »
Question: What’s one of the 11 tips for building and maintaining high employee morale?
11 leaders share tips for building and maintaining high employee morale Read More »